Part V: Challenges of Cold | Zimou zk(r)oušená

Hello, anyone still here? *walks in and blows the dust of the website* How are you all doing? I’m fine. Busy, as you might have guessed by the lack of blog posts. Turns out it’s really difficult to juggle a full-time job and writing energy/inspiration and free time. Who knew, huh? :D Haló, je tady ještě někdo? *vejde dovnitř o sfoukne prach z webové stránky* Jak se všichni máte? Já se mám fajn. Mám toho hodně, jak jste jistě poznali z nedostatku blogových příspěvků. Ukázalo se, že je opravdu těžké kombinovat práci na plný úvazek a energii/inspiraci na psaní a volný čas. Kdo by to byl řekl, co? :D What we have always known, however, is that I have thing for writing about stuff that happened a long time ago. Starting a blog series and never finishing all that I planned (like all those lovely long posts from my first ever London trip yeeeears ago, e.g this one ). I thought I would try to make some progress on the series about my dancing. Co jsme na druhou stranu vždycky v...