Nice & Not So Nice Things | February 2016
Evening everybody,
you were supposed to be getting another music compilation this weekend, but... You can see for yourself, it's not happening. However, I don't want to leave you empty handed, so I decided to do a bit of over-sharing and top it off with a poem I've written. 'coz why not?
Life has not been very nice recently.
It's not been terrible either. I guess I'm just at a point when I'm too tired to cope with things, therefore all the not so nice things stand out a bit more. Here they are, all neatly written down in a list:
It's not been terrible either. I guess I'm just at a point when I'm too tired to cope with things, therefore all the not so nice things stand out a bit more. Here they are, all neatly written down in a list:
Not so nice:
- Tired. Work. Not enough sleep. Tired. Work. Not enough sleep... It's not going well :( My body doesn't like it. And for the love of God I'm not capable to sort out my sleeping regime. Because my body doesn't want to go to bed really early and get up and 5:30. Nope! And no matter how long I try to convince it that that's the way things should work, as soon as there is a break, it will naturally start gliding back into its natural time zone. It's not healthy and it's starting to take its toll on me. If you have any helpful tips for this situation, I'd be very grateful to read them.
- Work. It got a bit complicated. There's a lot to do, meanwhile my contract has run out and... Turns out that for now it will only be renewed for a couple of months. Apparantly I need to adjust my attitude and be more proactive and creative. I totally didn't see it coming and it hit me like a train. Fair enough, maybe I do need to change things. Truth be told I did lose focus in the past couple of months as I was (still am) slumped under A LOT of admin work that technically should not be my responsibility, but somehow it is... Bla bla bla.... So instead of happily celebrating my 1 year anniversary of being a working person, it's decision time. Make or break. If this is what I want to be doing, I need to invest myself more. If not, then God help me...
- Juggling. Juggling work, things I do for my choir, blogging, other types of writing that I want to do,... My poor home doesn't really fit in and gets neglected :(
- I need a holiday. I need to go away. Not that I can afford to take time off work right now.
- It worries me how work has infected everything in my life. It's starting to remind me of the time when my university "career" started to crumble. It worries me. I need to fix it somehow before it gets worse.
- Friendship. It's really hard sometimes. And I always end up feeling like I'm doing something wrong when people aren't friendly back at me the way I wish they were.
- Friendship. It's really great sometimes. Like when out of the blue you manage to arrange a random coffee & shopping date with your pal and it ends up buffering the worst day you have had in... maybe more than a year.
- Culture. Thank God in heaven for theatre, music, film, good television and books. If it wasn't for them I don't know how I would be getting through all this. I try to make sure there's always something planned in my diary and that the thing I look forward to when the rest of my life collapses into a pile of crap. Right now I'm going through a phase of gushing over classical music and the enormous sound of a live orchestra. (2 concerts done, 1 to go). Also: The Night Manager. EVERYTHING about The Night Manager. And Tom Hiddleston on top of that.
Diversion: John le Carré, author of The Night Manager novel has written a very interesting piece about the process of book to screen adaptiation and what it feels like for him as the father of the stories. Funny how it all coincides with my recent interest in the phenomena of book adaptations.
- Gathering light. It's here, people! Daylight is coming back. Doesn't it make you feel so much better when you get out of the house in the morning and it's not crappily dark and gloomy? Even though the weather has been playing up recently and seems unable to decided whether it should still do winter or what... There has been a couple of warmish days when one could almost smell the spring around the corner... *excited sighs* And there was a lot of wind which I always find magical. And then snowstorms. And repeat until all the animals and plants and humans are confused. Anyway, daylight. I love me some daylight <3
Aaand... I got nothing. Tell me about your nice or not so nice things.
Oh, I promised you a poem, didn't I? Here:
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Inspired by a fictional story that happened in my head. Make of it what you will. |
LIGHT! I like it:-)