Music To My Ears: Hudson Taylor

I tried to resist... but it turns out to be inevitable. You will have to bear with one more music-y blog post. I warned you. If you read my latest Music Monthly carefully, you should know what is coming. First and foremost, looooooots of good music! And the name you should remember is: Hudson Taylor.

To read the equivalent article in Czech, PRO ČTENÍ ODPOVÍDAJÍCÍHO ČLÁNKU V ČEŠTINĚ

official photo stolen from the official website

Hudson Taylor is a band comprising of brothers Harry and Alfie (whose second name is Hudson Taylor) plus any number of friends, usually Tadhg and Oisín Walsh-Peelo (who also have their own band Mo Hat Mo Gheansaí). Look at me, there's no escaping it. Irish people and culture just always seem to find me, whatever I do. Anyway, so the Hudson Taylor brothers are Irish, currently living and music-ing in London. Just to avoid the "which one is which" confusion a la Ant and Dec: Harry is the dark, bearded one, Alfie is the fair one with bouncy hairstyles ;)

The music could be described as pop folk. Esentially, it has acoustic guitars and slick vocal harmonies, which are the two things that a girl like me needs to be happy :) Plus good songwriting. You know it's good when a number of those songs speak to you as if they had been written about you. They brilliantly capture some very particular moments  and feelings in human lives so that literally anybody can find something to relate to in the songs. Yet they don't sound cheap and cheesy. They sound delicious! Hudson Taylor, they're just right up my street. They embody everything that I love in music and more.

They started out by posting covers as well as original songs on their YouTube channel and before long they became one of the most popular Irish musicians on Youtube. From busking in the streets of Dublin, through support slots and festival gigs, in 2013 they have their 3rd EP on the way (in a couple of weeks actually, you can already pre-order it on iTunes) and a tour of their very own later in November/December this year. And I hear a proper full length album might be in the making. *squeels excitedly*

Cover art of the EPs
I know I'm only judging from YouTube videos, but the lads seem to channel great amounts of energy and positivity in their performances, especially with live audience, be it at a busk in the street or at a "proper gig".

Now, to the songs that I've been playing you in this blog post (I hope you are listening to them! Trust me, it's for your own good.) I've chosen tracks to represent each of the EPs: the title tracks from Battles and Cinematic Lifestyle and "Pray for the Day" up top which will be released very soon on Osea. However, I've kept the leading single from Osea for the honorary last spot in my playlist. It's called "Care" and it is, ladies and gentlemen, Hudson Taylor's first video ever to be uploaded on their very own VEVO channel. Even though I'm still partial to the acoustic version of this one and maybe I am a bit underwhelmed by the new official video, it is a big achievement and I am very proud of the boys :)
*EDIT: For reasons beyond my understanding, the official music video has been taken down. So we will have to make do with official audio: 

There we go :) I hope that at least some of you found this little Hudson Taylor-y post enjoyable. On the off chance that I managed to convert you into a HT fan, here are some links for you:
Definitely take time to check out their YouTube channel for there is loads more good tunes!

Let me know in the comments what you think about them :) or hit me with any suggestions on what I should listen to. I will check it out! Maybe not straight away, because I am still in a heavy HT phase, but I promise I will.
Until next time, readers. Take care of yourselves and listen to good music. xx M


  1. This band is awesome! Why didn't I know them before :O

    1. well, now you do. that's what matters :) thanks for visiting my bloggie! I'll be checking out yours later ;)


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