Reflections on 2019 | Ohlédnutí za 2019

Hello and welcome to the 20’s!! And welcome here, the blog where nobody writes anything :-D Do you remember when I used to do regular annual reflective posts? The last one I did, stepping into 2018, was a sweet one. There was a lot of progress and positivity and hope. Then 2018 was a lovely year. Top of the decade I’m not afraid to say. Busy, active, positive, happy, strong… I could go on. The thing is, I never wrote it all down, because by the time I should have been writing my traditional reflection, we were in 2019 and life turned. Everything went downhill from there and I was so low and so dark that I didn’t have it in me to sit and write about how great the previous year had been. The darkness was all consuming. For a long time. Yet, here I am, still surviving, with a blog post on the “bad year” and I intend to graciously circle around the darkness and try to extract at least some positivity from it. It must be there somewhere, it must! Nazdárek, vítejte ve 20. letech!! A víte...