Music Monthly: October 2017 | Addicted to Samba | Závislá na sambě

Could this be? The return of the long lost and dearly missed music posts? Maybe… :) We shall see where autumn and winter take us, but October was one of those months again, that had me hooked on a couple of tracks and/or interprets, so here I am to share them with you. Je to možné? Návrat dlouho ztracených a postrádaných článků o hudbě? Možná… :) Uvidíme, kam nás podzim a zima zavanou, ale říjen byl opět jedním z těch měsíců, kdy jsem byla až „posedlá“ několika písničkami nebo interprety, tak jsem tu, abych se o ně s vámi podělila. Musically, there were 2 main themes to my October. The first one you can easily decipher from the title of this post :) In case you have not noticed, I am a bit mad about my latin dancing right now and naturally, music plays a crucial role in that. Music is what breathes life to a set of steps and turns them into a dance, a beautiful, magical experience. I’ve been taking my classes for just over a year now, and I think it’s safe to say, that...