Film Excitement | Anthropoid

In case you have not seen it yet, let me direct your attention to a movie trailer that keeps me alive these days. We're in 1942, Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia. The name of the film refers to Operation Anthropoid, which was the code name given to a resistance plot to assasinate Reich Protector Reinhard Heydrich. Based on true events. Our heroes are real historical figures Josef Gabčík (Cillian Murphy) and Jan Kubiš (Jamie Dornan), Czechoslovakian soldiers trained in British exile to carry out this mission. Why is this exciting? Because it's an important story worth telling, an important moment in our history that is worth sharing, not only because it proved to have such massive and tragic consequences. So far, the prevailing mood among the Czechs concerning the movie is somewhat reserved, I would say. We are half excited and curious, half worried that "the foreigners" have butchered our history into a Hollywood flick. The trailer, however, looks promisi...