
Showing posts from September, 2015

Gifts of Nature

or Townie Goes to the Countryside and Photographs Apples I just got back home from a little trip that made me think about nature...

Music Irregular: Summer Mix 2015

Autumn begins tomorrow. So I want to get in quickly before it's too late and send the summer off with some music, which, as you have guessed already, I intend to share with you. Given that I've been neglecting you and this blog for so long, today you'll be getting an extra large portion of tunes (and possibly of my unnecesarry ramblings as well). Here are some of my favourite tracks that I've been listening to this summer. Click here if you want to listen/watch all together in a neat YouTube playlist (including a surprise). Starting off with a bit of a cheat, because this song has been begging for my attention on and off all the way throughout the spring. Mainly when it featured (multiple times) on Dancing With the Stars. I am yet to test this at an actual party with other people, but I daresay this song such an upbeat ball of energy that it just pulls you up to the dancefloor! And then you're hit with the painful realization that your feet are not quite...


So I went on a holiday. A proper week-long, taking time off my work and going abroad kind of holiday. That was a first! Second time on a sea-side family holiday, but the first one was about 14 year ago. I barely remember anything. All in all, exciting stuff! We went to Croatia and stayed in little town called Šimuni on the island of Pag. I thought I would share a couple of my favourite photos, because... some of them turned out quite well I think. And they demonstrate the peaceful atmosphere very well.