Music Monthly: January 2015

Oh look, if it isn't the long lost Music Monthly! Remember when I used to do this (more or less) regularly? :D Towards the end of the last year I realized how much I miss writing about music and so I decided to give it a try once more :) The first Music Monthly of 2015 is a bit of a winter tie-in. Some of these songs I've been enjoying since autumn, some are embarrassingly new to me, but above all, it's good fun :) For any new readers around here (Welcome!), let me re-introduce the feature and how it was originally born: It occurred to me once that what you go through in life often reflects in the songs that keep you company. And through these songs that are with you in your good times and in bad, you build a relationship to a new interpret or a new style of music that you haven’t listened to before. Music Monthly is more or less regular summary of my musical life experience, an insight into what songs have caught my attention and why, which ones got stuck i...