My Fashion Retail Battles

I want to tell you about a very stressful weekend that I went through. I'm not exactly sure why I want to share this, but I do. I apologize if it gets lengthy. You are under no obligation to read all of it. I just cannot skip over the details and make it short, because it's the details that are important. I have recently registered with a recruitment agency that sends me offers for temporal part-time jobs in fashion retail. Usually it comes out of the blue and they are very short placements, just filling in where somebody is missing. Anyway, since I am embarking on an exciting trip and I need to earn money to pay back to my lovely family who have funded my travelling adventures, I decided to pluck up my courage and I replied to one of the offers. What followed was one of the hardest things I have ever done. And I shall tell you the story of how the little inexperienced me battled through a weekend in fashion retail, quietly repeating to myself: "London, I'm d...