Music Irregular and Updates

Weeeeeell, how shall I say this... I hope you have your tissues ready. As you might have guessed, in my 3-week blogging silence, Music Monthly would not be happening. Amidst of me being super social (ergo super exhausted), trying to be a good family person, increasing the job hunting efforts and planning exciting adventures... I will be taking a little Music Monthly break . Let's call it a hiatus. I might bring it back next month, in a couple of months or next year, who knows. But for now, I think I need to let go... Let go of the pressure I've put on myself. I need it to be fun again. I apologize to those of you, who are fond of my playlists and music-y writings, specifically to Adalberto, who is the one outspoken supporter of this feature. Do not despair. Taking a break in Music Monthly doesn't mean I won't write about any music at all. Maybe I will end up spicing up some of my other posts with a song or two. And of course if there are any major development...