
Showing posts from January, 2014

Physical Sacrifices for Earring Sparkles

Before I forget, I have a little poll going on over there on the right side ----------> somewhere in the bar, where you can vote and let me know what kind of content you would like see more of on Dance the Drizzle. So go ahead and tick some boxes :) Now to business: this is what I've been up to during the weekend: Basically I pulled out a little box of beads and other components that I had put aside more than a year ago with the noble intention of making myself some earrings in green and blue, as my collection had been missing something decent in those particular colours. Well anyway, as the weather finally remembered that it's supposed to be freezing cold in January, I've spent the weekend tucked up at home, safe and warm, watching endless hours of British crime tv series and making these lovely sparkly bad boys. It proved to be a little more time consuming than I had expected. Turns out that the first one of the pair is just really difficult as you...

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Early on in a new year it is always time of reminiscing about the year gone by. Well, no, usually one does that towards the end of December. But the end of December was so busy for me this time round that I literally hadn't had half a minute to sit down and write something. I only managed to think about it and I'm sitting down and writing now. Which is just as fitting, because my birthday is coming up, so I am allowed a bit of retrospection, aren't I?  Castel Gandolfo, photo by MarieMej :)   Looking Back It is almost too easy to look at my life the way it is, compare it to how I was this time last year and come to the conclusion that surprisingly little has changed. I am still liviging at the same place where I lived a year ago, I still haven't managed to find myself a job,... Hardly anything is different, if you think about it. At least not on the outside. If you're anything like me, it really is too easy to look at your life and see only the un-a...

Music Monthly: December 2013

Five days into the new year and already I feel like I'm lagging behind with loads of things. Mainly with my beloved bloggie. But fear not readers, I'm on a mission to fix things asap. Here is your complimentary edition of Music Monthly to wrap up 2013. Starting off with a bit of a dark waltz by a Czech band Mandrage . I'm not particularly interested in them, but from time to time they come up with something fresh and new that catches my ears. Moreover, as I have been indulging in Dancing With The Stars again (American season and the concurring Czech one), when I first heard this, my head immediately translated it onto the dance floor. I wish somebody could dance to this on the show. Happy. I think this doesn't need any explaining. That was me in the first half of December. All busy with singing, blogging and other life thingies... I was intentionally trying to keep myself busy so that I wouldn't have time to be sad. You know what? It works :) It works, but...