Music Monthly: May 2013
I admit, under the current circumstances in my country it is really hard for me to sit down and write something cheery about the great songs that I listened to last month. My lovely hometown of Prague is being flooded. Luckily nobody I know is in immediate danger, and although I live only a couple of streets from the river, it is very very unlikely that the water would reach us. I am safe, but it is still an immensely frustrating and depressing situation. Imagine that somebody you live is being savagely attacked and beaten up, and you can do nothing to stop it. You just have to wait. That's how it feels :( However, I'm trying to "keep calm and carry on" - e.g. write my regular blog post. I owe it to the good songs that are on my list and I owe it to May for being a quite cheerful and lovely month for me. All because after 2 and a half months I was finally fit enough to slowly start going out and actually doing things and being with people and stuff :) Read on for Daf...